Coalition for Education in the Solomon Islands.
The Coalition for Education Solomon Islands (COESI) is a coalition of non-government organizations dedicated to the advancement of educational opportunities for all Solomon Island citizens, especially those from marginalized and disadvantaged groups.
Welkam to COESI,
—— Joash Maneipuri, Board Chairman
Dear visitor, I would like to personally WELCOME you to COESI.
COESI aims to provide a focal point through which civil society can contribute to education policy debates; provide knowledge building awareness on the SDG4 agenda, targets, and indicators at the national level; to undertake research on education policy issues; to act as an information source for civil society organizations with an interest in education; to strengthen the capacity of its members, and civil society more broadly, and to participate actively and with authority in public debates on education in the Solomon Islands.
COESI Board Members
Education is for all,
Education is a right for all Solomon Islanders, no matter their (dis)ability, gender, age or financial circumstances.
What we do.
Our Team.

Jack Kalisto,
In my role as a Coordinator, I am responsible for sourcing funds for the organization, coordinating projects throughout the country, cash management, and the overall operations of the organization.

Nicholas Houtaraha,
Finance Officer
I am responsible for the accounting and administrative functions of the organization. I help to provide financial and administrative support to manage the finances by monitoring income and spending.

Blondie Akwasia,
Project Officer
Planning and coordination of project activities, including scheduling, reporting, and document control. Project Officer plays a supportive role in the management and administration of Project activities.
SDG Goal #4.
Coalition for Education Solomon Islands (COESI) works at grassroots and national level, with other civil society organizations to advocate for Sustainable Development Goal #4.
Inclusive and equitable quality education
Life long learning opportunities for all.
Marginalized groups
Increase in the national education budget especially for the marginalized groups.